
How many startups does it take to fill a flight to San Francisco?

Dozens of leading startup entrepreneurs are joining a delegation of Israeli high tech captains for an airborne conference held by Calcalist.

Entrepreneurs, founders and CEOs of dozens of leading companies from Israel’s startup nation – some of which have chalked up groundbreaking global developments – will participate in an airborne tech convention held by Calcalist, Bank Hapoalim and United Airlines, on April 5.



The event will take part en route to San Francisco and continue in Silicon Valley where participants will take part in a series of events and visits to some of the Valley’s leading tech companies. Iconic chairman of Cisco, John Chambers, will host one of the events as well. Publisher and founder of Calcalist Yoel Esteron said "this airborne tech convention is aiming at strengthening the ties between Israel's tech community and Silicon Valley".

Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat (Photo: Motti Kimchi)
Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat (Photo: Motti Kimchi)


Some of the participants are from tech companies that hold market values of hundreds of millions of dollars. They will join dignitaries such as Mayor of Jerusalem Nir Barkat and Finance Ministry Director-General Shai Babad, as well as tech luminaries - Gil Shwed - founder of CheckPoint and Ziv Aviram - Mobileye founder. Other guests include senior execs from Israel’s top VC funds.


Among the invitees who have confirmed their participation in the conference are: Nadav Zafrir, founder of Team8, Rami Beracha, Managing General Partner at Pitango, Dror Nahumi , General Partner of Norwest Venture Partners, Daniel Cohen General Partner of Carmel Ventures, Anya Eldan General Manager, Early Stage Support Programs at the Office of the Chief Scientist , Michal Geva is the Managing Partner and Co-Founder of Triventures, Raffi Kesten. Managing Partner of JVP, Yanai Oron General Partner of Vertex, Nimrod Kozlovski. Partner, JVP Cyber Labs , Yossi Moldavsky from Plus Ventures, Ruthi Simha co-founded Viola Credit, Yuval Shaar from Marker, Modi Rosen co-founded Magma Venture Partners , Jon Medved founder and CEO of OurCrowd, Ornit Shinar head of Lenovo's Israel innovation center.


Gil Shwed (Photo: Elad Gutman)
Gil Shwed (Photo: Elad Gutman)


The entrepreneurs list include Ron Yekutiel Chairman, CEO and Co-Founder at Kaltura – developer of open-code video platform; Ori Lahav, Co-Founder at Ourbrain – developer of content recommendation platform; Ziv Kop, COO at OutBrain; Yoav Izhar-Prato, founder and CEO at Kenshoo – developer of agile marketing technology solutions; Liron Damari, Co-Founder of Forter – provider of fraud prevention for enterprise online retail; Amit Avner, Co-Founder at Taykey – provider of advertising and intelligence trend analysis; Gal Salomon, founder of Intensix, previously founded Disccretix and former venture partner at Pitango VC fund; Ben Lang, founder of MapMe; Tomer Kagan, Co-Founder and CEO, at Quixey search engine; Mor Shclesinger, VP at Quixey search engine; Mark Gazit, CEO, ThetaRay – solution provider for advanced cyber security; Dan Bendler, Co-Founder and CEO at Shopic, an app that eliminates the need to stand in line while shopping; Tal Grinberg, from fintech company Paybox; Ofer Sinai, Co-Founder and CEO at Hop On – developer of a ticketing app for public transportation; Dr. Nachshon Margaliot, Offla, a fintech developer of fraud detection and prevention application for electronic payments; Amos SImantov, CEO and Co-Founder at WAY2VAT – developer of business travel expense management solutions; Tomer Zussman, Co-Founder and CEO at TravelersBox – developer of airport money machines for the exchange of small change; Barak Witkowski, Co-Founder and CEO at Drupe – developer of drag & drop app for managing and communicating with favorite contacts; Jamil Mazzawi, founder and CEO at Optima Design Automation – developer of EDA solutions for chip reliability for mission critical chips; Ariel Shemesh, CEO at WeyClip, a rich-media aggregation and syndication service; Tomer Levy, Co-Founder and CEO at LogzIO – developer of open-source log analytics software; Janiv Ratxon, Co-Founder and CEO at Axonize, a startup in the field of the-internet-of-things; Rafi Ton, CEO at Nuviad, a startup for online marketing solutions; Toby Olshanetsky, Co-Founder and CEO at; Asaf Regev, CEO at Finupp; Eden Attias, Chairman and CEO at ParaZero – developer of pyrotechnic parachute systems;  Gaby Menachem, CEO at Loom Systems, founded by veterans of the IDF Intelligence Corps and tech units. The company developed a platform for predictive analytics and log management solutions that automate root cause analysis and provide production insights; Tamir Eden, Founder and CEO at Proonto – a marketplace that brings together online businesses and sales and customer service associates.



פרסום ראשון: 03.15.16, 18:21
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