Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke on Thursday evening with the father of the soldier accused of extrajudicially executing an immobilized Palestinian terrorist. The soldier's family had requested speaking with Netanyahu.
The Prime Minister's Office released Netanyahu's remarks as follows:
"I heard your words and as the father of a soldier, I understand your distress. In recent months our soldiers have bravely and resolutely stood up in the face of terrorist attacks and murderers who set out to kill them. The soldiers are forced to make decisions in the field, in real time, under stress and conditions of uncertainty. This is not a simple reality and I’m sure that the investigation is taking the entirety of these circumstances into account. I am convinced that the investigation will be professional and fair towards your son.
"I trust the IDF, the Chief of Staff and the investigation 100% and I think that you too should trust the commanders and the investigation. The people of Israel must remain united around the army because we have just one army and we have many great challenges ahead of us. I wanted to say this to you heart-to-heart. Everything you have to present – do so in the framework of the investigation, which is genuine, professional and fair. I ask you to understand this, that you not think for a moment that they will not conduct the most objective and fair investigation of your son. I ask that you pass this message to your entire family."