
Pictures that the youths shared of their "color party"

Youths vandalize historic site

Israeli pupils on their Passover vacation threw a paint-filled 'color party' at the 1,300-year-old Ashdod-Yam citadel; the Israeli Antiquities Authority: Contact us within 48 hours to clean it and avoid a police complaint.

Youths on their Passover vacation vandalized the archeological site Ashdod-Yam citadel, it was discovered on Wednesday. The Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) issued a request that those responsible contact them within 48 hours to undo the damage; otherwise, they intend to file a complaint with the police.



The youths vandalized the 1,300-year-old citadel with paints on Tuesday as part of a "color party." At their festivities, they threw paint over each other and the site and left litter at what is considered one of the most beautiful locations in the south.



Pictures that the youths shared of their "color party"
Pictures that the youths shared of their "color party"

Paint left behind (Photo: Orel Ezra)
Paint left behind (Photo: Orel Ezra)

There is little doubt concerning the identity of these perpetrators: they posted photos of their actions on social media. This brought the events to the attention of their parents and the administration of the school where they are pupils. They have been summoned for disciplinary meeting with their school when classes resume after Passover.


Paint left behind (Photo: Orel Ezra)
Paint left behind (Photo: Orel Ezra)


The Ashdod Municipality issued a statement: "The Municipality takes this incident seriously and will deal with the means available, including giving tickets to the responsible parties. The superintendent and the principal will be contacting the parents and making clear the severity of the situation. The parents, together with the children, will deal with cleaning the place before Thursday and after the holiday will be summoned for explanatory meetings."


פרסום ראשון: 04.27.16, 19:50
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