
Photo: IDF Spokesperson
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Photo: IDF Spokesperson

Unarmed Palestinian running towards IDF guard post shot dead

A Palestinian man came running at a West Bank guard post near Ofra; the soldiers followed the procedure for stopping a suspicious person and ended up shooting him; he died at the scene; no weapons or explosives were found on his person; none of the soldiers were injured.

An IDF force shot dead Eyad Zakaria Hamed, a 38-year-old Palestinian, at the entrance to Silwad, adjacent to Ofra, in the West Bank (between Jerusalem and Nablus) on Friday. The shooting, next to an IDF position, was part of a procedure for stopping a suspicious individual.



Hamed reportedly came at the soldiers' guard post running. They followed the IDF procedure for stopping a suspicious person in full, and he was shot dead at its conclusion. The soldiers were from the ultra-Orthodox Netzah Yehuda Battalion within the Kfir Brigade. No soldiers were injured.


IDF forces in Silwad (Archive photo: IDF Spokesperson) (Photo: IDF Spokesperson)
IDF forces in Silwad (Archive photo: IDF Spokesperson)


A Palestinian official said the 38-year-old man suffered from mental illness and was not found to have any weapons on his person when searched, and no signs of gunfire were found on the guard post.



Reuters contributed to this report.


פרסום ראשון: 08.26.16, 13:40
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