
Photo: Ziv Reinstein
Manara Cliff
Photo: Ziv Reinstein

The Legion Run comes to Israel

The international extreme obstacle is coming to Manara Cliff on October 14; the event boasts demanding physical and mental challenges including fire, ice, climbing obstacles and strength events.

If you haven’t decided what to do on the holidays and you’re looking for a unique challenge, how about crawling through mud and swimming through ice? Legion Run, the international extreme obstacle course, is coming to Israel for only one day on October 14, at the Manara Cliff.



25 tons of ice, 200 km of cables and dozens of containers full of equipment weighing 200 tons will land in Israel straight from Paris. According to organizers, NIS 3 million have been invested in the event.


Legion Run
Legion Run


The extreme obstacle course is 5km long and includes more than 30 obstacles of mud, fire, ice and wire designed to challenge the participants. In addition, there are also several headlining obstacles such as the “Collosus” — a smooth, concave wall 7.5 meters high that participants have to climb without a rope, the “Coliseum” — crushing a car, the “Censura” — jumping from wooden beams to different platforms and the “Barbarian” — crawling under a wet net in a muddy maze.


The Collosus
The Collosus


Additionally, there are swimming obstacles involving ice blocks and muddy water in which participants need to swim through and climb out that are designed to push participants to their physical and mental limits.



The Legion Run is a team sport whose object is to conquer the course together and is geared toward companies, families, friends from army units or people choosing to compete alone. The track is open to anyone over the age of 16, whether they are physically fit or not. The oldest person to compete in the event until now was 87 years old.


Those who book tickets early only pay NIS 184, while those who pay at the event will pay NIS 300.


פרסום ראשון: 09.27.16, 15:26
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