
Photo: Ministry of Defense
Lieberman Thursday
Photo: Ministry of Defense

Lieberman: Israel not interested in escalation with Hamas

The minister of defense commented that despite the two days of fire from Gaza into Israel, he has 'no intention of launching a military operation.' However, he did say that Israel would not tolerate any violations of its sovereignty.

Minister of Defense Avigdor Lieberman addressed on Thursday night the missiles fired from the Gaza Strip into Israel over the preceding two days. He stated that he had "no intention of launching a military operation."



He continued, "At the same time, we won't tolerate any firing and any provocation from anyone against citizens of Israel or violating the State of Israel's sovereignty. No shooting and no flotilla." Lieberman was speaking at an awards ceremony for outstanding officers and non-commissioned officers in the IDF in Tel Aviv.


Avigdor Lieberman Thursday night (Photo: Ministry of Defense)
Avigdor Lieberman Thursday night (Photo: Ministry of Defense)


The minister continued, "Every (missile) fired from the Gaza Strip into the sovereign territory of the State of Israel will receive a powerful response. As the minister of Defense, I can say on behalf of the Israeli government that we are a responsible and prudent leadership. We aren't looking for adventures, and nobody is pushing for an escalation with Hamas in the Gaza Strip, but we are determined to protect the safety of citizens of the State of Israel, and there will be no compromise on this point.


IDF soldiers Thursday (Photo: Roee Idan)
IDF soldiers Thursday (Photo: Roee Idan)


"Hamas rules the strip with a firm hand, and when it wants to attain something or prevent something, it knows how to do that. So on the matter of various rogue elements: They can try harder."


At the beginning of his speech, Lieberman sent his condolences to the family of Capt. Ohad Cohen Nov, the IDF pilot who was killed on Wednesday in a crash, adding that the deputy squadron leader was "an excellent and appreciated officer. Salt of the Earth."


פרסום ראשון: 10.06.16, 20:39
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