
Photo: Motti Kimchi
French Olim arriving in Israel. (Archive photo)
Photo: Motti Kimchi

Sharp decline in French immigration to Israel

The number of new immigrants making aliyah from France has declined in the past year; only about 4,500 people immigrated to Israel from the country in 2016 so far, compared to 8,000 in 2015.

Immigration to Israel from France is on the decline, according to figures published recently by an organization of French-Jewish olim. 


Just around 4,500 Jews have made aliyah in 2016 so far, compared to about 8000 in 2015. While 43 percent of French Jews (about 200,000 people) have expressed a desire to make aliyah, their poor employment prospects in Israel and the country's grinding bureaucracy are deterring most of them them from making the move.


French olim arriving in Israel. (Archive photo: Motti Kimchi)
French olim arriving in Israel. (Archive photo: Motti Kimchi)


Authorities in Israel have promised to make changes to the situation, but have actually done very little. French olim in Israel have raised the concern that if things do not change, many of them may eventually despair of the country and return to France.




פרסום ראשון: 11.13.16, 12:43
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