
Photo: Neil Atar
Gaza border fence
Photo: Neil Atar

IDF fires at 3 suspicious Palestinians on Gaza border, one killed

Three Palestinians enter no-go area near the Gaza border fence overnight, arousing the suspicion of the IDF, which led to tank fire; army investigating whether the three were trying to plant an explosive device.

An 18-year-old Palestinian man was killed was another was wounded overnight Tuesday from IDF fire near the Gaza border fence, according to Palestinian reports.



The IDF said that three Palestinians were spotted making their way towards the Gaza border fence in southern Gaza and arouse the suspicion of IDF lookouts.


The three appeared to be doing something on the ground and were in a no-go area, the IDF said.


The Gaza border fence
The Gaza border fence


In response, an IDF tank fired shells in their direction, and one of them was hit.


The IDF is investigating whether the three were trying to plant an explosive device.


The incident overnight is the latest of a series of incidents on the Gaza border fence since February.


Earlier this month, the IDF neutralized explosives planted near the fence. In another incident, an IDF engineering force operating near the fence came under fire. In a third incident, a Hamas drone trying to infiltrate Israel was shot down by the Israel Air Force.


In addition, five rockets fired from the Gaza Strip fell inside Israel during the same time period.


פרסום ראשון: 03.22.17, 08:08
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