
Photo: AP
George Soros. No clear distinction between political meddling and business meddling
Photo: AP

Soros and Hungarian anti-Semites: Almost one and the same

Op-ed: As far as George Soros is concerned, anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism have become one ideology—hatred for Israel.

George Soros is right, because Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban did wage a campaign with anti-Semitic undertones against him. And those raising claims against Soros are right too, because he is a mega-speculator waging worldwide campaigns against countries and regimes, but not against every evil regime. The Iranian regime actually received immunity from him, as part of Soros’ campaign in favor of the nuclear agreement signed with the ayatollah regime. Soros’ hatred for Israel is driving him crazy.



Philosopher Slavoj Žižek has written that Soros’ “agenda is a complete lie: Half his time is dedicated to financial speculations, and the other half to ‘humanitarian’ activity.” Žižek should have actually supported Soros. After all, they both belong to the “anti-Zionist party” which is moving closer and closer to anti-Semitism.


Anti-Soros campaign in Hungary. Both sides are right (Photo: Reuters)
Anti-Soros campaign in Hungary. Both sides are right (Photo: Reuters)


When it comes to Soros, there is no clear distinction between political meddling and business meddling. Israeli businessman Benny Steinmetz has been claiming for years that Soros is harassing him and his businesses. BSGR, a company controlled by Steinmetz, has filed a huge lawsuit of $10 billion against Soros, which is being discussed in New York these days. The claim is that one of Soros’ motives is harassing an Israeli company. This may be true, considering Soros’ support for organizations supporting the BDS movement.


All this shouldn’t legitimize anti-Semitic propaganda, even against an Israel-hating Jew. And anti-Semitism is, admittedly, experiencing political prosperity in Hungary. The country’s radical right-wing party, Jobbik, is one of the leading promoters of the anti-Israel boycott, and the party’s website, Kuruk, is spreading anti-Semitic propaganda that “Israel is committing crimes against humanity.”


In the last elections, the party won about 20 percent of the votes. European Parliament Member Krisztina Morvai, a senior Jobbik member, is an ardent supporter of Iran and Hamas. In 2009, Morvai was invited to London to speak at a conference in support of the right of return. The conference’s guests included anti-Semites like Nick Griffin, the former leader of the far-right British National Party (BNP), and Clare Short, who served as a minister on behalf of the Labour Party and is considered a radical leftists. When it comes to hating Israel, the ends come together. The conference was organized by the Palestinian Return Center (PRC).


And it only gets worse, because Soros is funding an anti-Israeli organization in London, Spinwatch, which published a statement in PRC’s defense, following evidence that the organization was linked to Hamas.


The common denominator between Soros and Hungary’s anti-Semites is close to perfect. The latter recite the exact same things recited by the anti-Israeli left-wing groups funded by Soros. And as far as Soros is concerned, anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism have become one ideology—hatred for Israel.


So this time, both sides are right: Both Israel’s ambassador to Hungary, who issued a scathing statement against a campaign with anti-Semitic undertones, and the Prime Minister’s Office, which reminded those of us who have forgotten who Soros really is.


פרסום ראשון: 07.17.17, 23:44
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