
Photo: AFP
Sharon delivers speech in Cesaria
Photo: AFP

'Extremists tearing country apart'

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon criticizes Netanyahu, says disengagement will improve security, economy

The disengagement will take place on schedule, starting seven weeks from now, Prime Minister  Ariel Sharon said Thursday evening in a speech given at Cesaria.


He attacked extremist settlers, and also criticized Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.


Sharon also discussed the clearing of the "Maoz Hayam" hotel in Gush Katif.


He praised the settlers in Gaza, saying, "I love these people, even when I hear them criticize me personally. I completely differentiate between them and the extremist gangs that are trying to impose terror on Israeli society and rip it to shreds."


The Prime minister added, "Thuggery and the disobeying of army orders are not the way of the settlers, Judaism, or the State of Israel. We will deal with this phenomenon with an iron hand, because they threaten our existence here as a Jewish and democratic state."


"This is how we acted yesterday, and this is how we acted today, when we cleared the hotel in Gush Katif," he said. 


"I would like to extend my support from here to Israel's police force. No one is allowed to lift a hand against a soldier or police officer. This issue should be stated clearly by anyone who values the country."


Sharon criticized Netanyahu, saying, "There are those who oppose disengagement for personal interests."


He began his speech by addressing Benjamin Netanyahu's claim that the funds dedicated to disengagement would have been better spent helping Israel's poor citizens.



"It seems that some need reminding that the disengagement program will free resources and enable them to be used to forge a common security interest, and for minimizing gaps in society," Sharon said.


Later in his address, the prime minister took on a cynical tone as he continued to attack Netanyahu.


"The changes that we are undertaking are not easy to carry out, it is difficult to bring about such dramatic and fundamental changes," he said.


"There are those who object to our decision because they want to cling to the status quo, even if it is bad, and there are those who innocently object because they think that things will somehow work out on their own. There are also those who oppose the disengagement due to personal and political motives.This is a known human weakness; to prefer the personal interest over the common good."


'Palestinians failing again?'



"We concluded that we are going to leave Gaza, where there is no chance of establishing a Jewish majority," he said. 


"It is clear to everyone that Gaza will never be part of Israel in any final agreement. At the same time, we are turning our resources to the most important areas, which we need to safeguard for our existence: the Galil, the Negev, greater Jerusalem, the settlement blocs, and security areas."


Sharon said he had initiated the disengagement plan as it is best tool to change the national situation in the State of Israel.


"The exit from Gaza will have a positive effect on every facet of life in Israel, the security situation, the economy, and the quality of life. I say with confidence – the disengagement will take place on schedule, starting seven weeks from now," he said.


"For the first time the Palestinians will have to decide whether they are interested in building, or whether they are interested in continuing to destroy. Are they willing and able to change within themselves, or are they interested in wallowing in a swamp of hate and incitement that will lead their population to poverty and suffering. They have a real opportunity. It would be a shame if they missed it."


Sharon wenton to say that there are forces in the Palestinian society and leadership that want to make the "right choice."


"The disengagement can help them, and it is a test which will determine whether they are interested in leading," he said. "Is there or isn't there a partner? If the Palestinians again fail and choose the path of war and terror, the path of disengagement will significantly improve our ability to effectively deal with terrorism."


פרסום ראשון: 07.01.05, 00:30
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