
Photo: AP
Gaza clashes
Photo: AP
Photo: Haim Hornstein
Charged with attempted murder – Shimshon Sitrin
Photo: Haim Hornstein

Lynch suspects indicted

Shimshon Sitrin, Avinoam Krispin charged with participating in recent assault on Palestinian youngster in Gaza Strip. Palestinian boy survived attack after being stoned, kicked by several Israelis following Gaza clashes

BE’ER SHEVA - Two Israelis were indicted TThursday morning at the Be’er Sheva District Court on charges of aggravated assault and other offenses in connection with the lynching of a Palestinian youngster in Gaza recently.




Shimshon Sitrin has also been charged with attempted murder in connection with the incident, while Avinoam Krispin faces lesser charges.


The indictment charges that Sitrin decided to hurt and kill the Palestinian boy, who was already wounded at the time.


“For that end, the defendant turned around, got a rock, ran toward the brick wall where the wounded boy was lying, jumped over the wall, and slammed the rock powerfully in the direction of (the boy’s) head with the intention of causing his death,” the indictment says.


Paramedic threatened


The incident occurred after far-right activists and Palestinians clashed near the illegal outpost of Tal Yam in Gaza.


Shortly after the clashes, IDF soldiers detained a wounded Palestinian boy on suspicion of stoning Israelis during the riot. One army officer led the youngster to an IDF jeep when several Israelis assaulted the Palestinian and stoned him from up close until he lost his consciences.


At that point, one soldier attempted to shelter the boy with his body, as the attackers continued to hurl stones and kick the youngster as he was lying wounded and bleeding.


The Palestinian was finally rescued with the assistance of soldiers and journalists. A paramedic stationed nearby arrived in the area and approached the boy, at which point Krispin apparently threatened him.


“If you want to be beaten up, treat him,” Krispin said according to the indictment. Other Israelis later made similar threats and forcefully removed the paramedic from the scene.


פרסום ראשון: 07.14.05, 12:40
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