
Photo: Reuters
Greeted by crowds at the celebratory rally
Photo: Reuters
Photo: AP
'First Gaza... then Jerusalem', Abbas
Photo: AP

'Martyrs' blood freed Gaza'

Palestinian leader says Israel carried out disengagement due to the 'blood of our martyrs and brave prisoners'

The Palestinian Authority has held a celebratory rally at Rafah to mark Israel's pullout from the Gaza Strip.


“Today we celebrate a real day of happiness. The Israeli army and settlers are withdrawing from Gaza because of the sacrifices of the Palestinian people of martyrs and prisoners,” said Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas, addressing crowds at the Gaza airport.


The Palestinian leader said the withdrawal is a first step. “Tomorrow they will leave Jenin and after that the West Bank and Jerusalem,” he said.


Abbas also said that the withdrawal was made possible by the “sacrifice made by those who’s homes were destroyed, all those who were injured, and of course by the blood of the martyrs and our brave prisoners. We now must do everything to build our homeland.”



Abbas spoke to thousands of impassioned Palestinians. He was flanked by Palestinian Minister Muhammad Dahlan, who was giving Abbas tips during the speech.


Abbas promised the Palestinians that the Palestinian airport in Gaza would return to operation, and that it would be the aerial point of interaction between the Palestinians and the world.


The nature of the airport is still open to question, as Israel and the Palestinians continue to disagree on the issue.


“Today we stand in Rafah, the city which saw so many houses destroyed by Israel, and I promise you that we do everything to build all of those destroyed homes,” said Abbas.


'Let them be happy and celebrate'


He added that the Palestinians must now work provide the Palestinian citizen with stability and security.


Abbas appeared pleased with the event and the greetings called out towards him by the masses, and was heard telling Dahlan, who was trying to calm the crowd, “let them be happy and celebrate.”


Turning to Palestinian youths, Abbas said, “you are the future of the homeland.”


He also promised the injured Palestinians that they would receive public aid.


Abbas repeatedly emphasized that Israel’s withdrawal from Gaza was a result of “the Palestinian struggle.” 


In response to Abbas's speech, Israeli government officials told Ynet they believe the PA leader is trying to ensure a national victory and to convince the Palestinian nation to vote for him in upcoming parliamentary elections.


"He is trying to reach each Palestinian and therefore has used these phrases," one official said. "He knows very well what would happen should he choose not to embrace the terror organizations. He needs to return those voters who are now supporting Hamas." 


- Diana Bahur-Nir contributed to the report


פרסום ראשון: 08.19.05, 19:35
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