Photo: Shaul Golan
Mohammed Dahlan
Photo: Shaul Golan
Photo: Reuters
Deployement of Palestinian security forces
Photo: Reuters
Photo: Haim Tzach
Shilo terror attack
Photo: Haim Tzach

Abbas delivers the goods

Palestinian forces deployed to prevent terror attacks

Palestinian Minister Mohammed Dahlan stormed into his office Wednesday, fresh from a meeting with Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas.


They had just heard about the murder of three Palestinians in Shilo by a settler, and both were horrified, not only because a Jewish terrorist murdered innocent Palestinians, but also because both assumed the incident would encourage Palestinian terrorists to open fire at the remaining settlers in Gush Katif.


"We are concerned with disengagement, not fire," Dahlan said.


Speaking on behalf of Abbas, he instructed his security forces to prevent an escalation in violence at all costs.


Tuesday night Palestinians security personnel were deployed – at Abbas' orders – around Kfar Darom and Gush Katif.


Delivering the goods


At long last, Abbas delivered the goods.


But Dahlan, the PA Minister for Civilian Affairs, was not satisfied: He sent an additional 20,000 plain-clothes officers to the area to prevent terrorists from taking action.


His assistants called terror group leader – from the tiny Abu Reish Brigades to the Popular Resistance Committees – and told them not to open fire, stressing he and Abbas were in complete agreement on the issue.


For his part, Abbas convened the PA Joint Security Commission and the terror groups to report he had already spoken with Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz, who said the Shilo terrorist was insane and would face charges promptly.


After putting down the phone, Dahlan vented his anger at me: "This murder is the result of the incitement of your right-wing leadership. Yes, including some ministers," he said, apparently referring to ex-Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Knesset Member Effie Eitam and other ministers who resigned in opposition to the pullout.


"Yet despite the terrible crime,” he said, “we will not spoil the evacuation. The pullout is a rare opportunity that mustn't be overlooked. At long last, we must advance peace. I hope Sharon and the Israeli government understand this."


Real fears


Dahlan seems absolutely honest. He truly fears that the murder will ruin the process.


Meanwhile in Gaza, Palestinian organizations continued with the celebrations. Islamic Jihad, for one, held a victory cruise and a fireworks show in the Gaza port.


The Palestinian Authority remains calm and says this is a great non-violent outlet for people's emotions.


So far, they're right.


Ron Ben Yishai special correspondent and analyst for Yediot Aharonot


Lt. Col. (Res.) Ron Ben Yishai is an aide to President Moshe Katsav and a Yedioth Ahronoth commentator

פרסום ראשון: 08.18.05, 16:47
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