
Photo: Aya Ben-Amos
Atzmona evacuation. Soldiers attempted to steal from settlement (Archive photo)
Photo: Aya Ben-Amos

IDF looters sent to jail

Two soldiers sentenced to 160 days in prison Sunday for attempting to loot settler houses during disengagement; court blasts troops for lack of integrity, tarnishing IDF's image

Two IDF soldiers who attempted to steal equipment from houses in the evacuated Gaza Strip settlement of Atzmona during the pullout were sentenced to 160 days in prison by the Southern Command military court.


The two were caught while loading equipment on a military vehicle they were using without a permit.


Before the disengagement, IDF officials were concerned that soldiers may try to take advantage of the mayhem during the evacuation and steal from the houses of settlers.


The army prepared for such scenarios, and eventually only one incident was revealed.


'A severe lack of integrity'


Representatives of the prosecution and the defense informed the court Sunday that they have reached a settlement according to which the two soldiers will be sent to 160 days in prison, even though they failed to remove any property from the settlement.


Both sides explained that this was a satisfactory punishment, since the troops initially denied the allegations against them, and only later pled guilty.


The soldiers expressed remorse for their actions at court, which accepted the plea bargain but blasted the soldiers over the incident.


"The soldiers' ugly deeds represent a severe lack of integrity. Their actions tarnished the army's image at a sensitive and difficult time," the verdict read.


The soldiers were also sentenced to additional five months probation and their driver's licenses have been revoked.


פרסום ראשון: 10.30.05, 19:52
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