
Photo: AP
Lapid will not 'rescue' Sharon's government
Photo: AP
Peretz. Holds cards close
Photo: Alex Kolomoisky

Lapid: I will not rescue government

Labor Chairman Amir Peretz met Tuesday with opposition leader Yosef Lapid in a bid to set date for early elections. 'The elections will be pushed forward,' Lapid says; adds 'I will not rescue coalition from Peretz'

Newly-elected Labor Chairman Amir Peretz met Tuesday with opposition Chairman Yosef Lapid (Shinui), at Lapid's house. The two have discussed the current political situation in a bid to set an agreed date for early elections.


"We agreed that we will go to elections," Lapid said at the end of the meeting.


"I told Peretz that I do not intend to join Sharon's government if Labor leaves it. Shinui will vote Wednesday in favor of dissolving the Knesset. We think that the three parties (Likud, Labor and Shinui) should coordinate the date for elections," Lapid, who may soon have to relinquish his seat to Peretz, added.


Amir Peretz said that "The overall direction which we agreed upon is that we will do everything in order for the elections to be held in agreement, also with Ariel Sharon."


"I am exerting all my efforts to prevent uncertainty and I hope that we will reach an agreement on a date," Peretz said.


Rumors at the political arena  


During the night, rumors have circulated that Lapid, Shinui's chairman, is looking into the possibility of rejoining the coalition. Shinui was ousted from the government last year, after its ministers failed to support the national budget proposal.


Sources within the Labor party expressed concern Monday over the possibility Shinui may replace Labor at the government, and thus prevent pushing forward the elections. However, Lapid denied that such a move is expected.


Lapid, who yesterday convened the opposition parties and announced that "the government has run its course," verified Tuesday that he was indeed offered to negotiate his party's return into the coalition, but that he rejected the offer immediately.


"I do not intend to rescue this government from Peretz's claws," Lapid said.


Labor ministers signed resignation letters


The meeting between Lapid and Peretz was held only a day ahead of the preliminary Knesset vote on the proposal to disband parliament. The bill was presented by MK Zvulun Orlev (National Religious Party) and Yitzhak Levi (National Union).


The Labor has yet to decide how its members will vote on Wednesday. It appears that the party will decide on the matter at a faction's meeting that is scheduled to convene Tuesday.


Meanwhile, the party's ministers have already placed with Peretz their resignation letters from the government, so that the chairman may use them once Labor decides to walk out.


If the party decides to withhold its support for the bill at this point, Orlev and Levi may choose to withdraw their proposal, for if it is rejected, it can only be put to another vote a few months later.


Following his meeting with Lapid, Peretz is planned to meet with Orlev.


פרסום ראשון: 11.15.05, 08:54
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