
Photo: AFP
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas
Photo: AFP
Grave results
Photo: AFP
Photo: AP

Abbas: Israel trying to wipe Palestinians out

Palestinian president responds to killing of 11 Palestinians, eight of them civilians; Islamic jihad threatens to carry out terror attacks

The Islamic jihad is threatening a 'painful revenge' following the killing of 11 Palestinians, eight of them civilians, among them two children, in the Salah- al-Din route in the Gaza refugee camp of Jabalya.


In a statement, the Islamic Jihad said: "Today we depart from our martyrs and tomorrow Israel will depart from its dead."


Meanwhile, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas accused Israel of trying to "wipe out the Palestinian people."


"Every day there are dead and injured, all innocent, all passersbys. The Israelis want to destroy the Palestinian people, but we will stick to our land. We want to establish a state and live in peace," he said.

Injured evacuated (Photo: AFP)


The al-Quds Brigades, the Islamic Jihad's military wing, is threatening to respond by carrying out terror attacks inside Israel.


Abu Ahmed, spokesman for the Brigades, said that "the response of our organization will be deterring and rattling."


"Zionist enemy will pay heavy price'


Abu Ahmed said that his organization will carry on with attacks despite assassination operations.


"This is our strategic option. As we responded in Hadera and Tel Aviv, we will respond with force in Haifa and Jerusalem, and in every place in which the Zionist enemy can be found," he said.


Kader Habib, of the organization's political leadership, said that "the Zionist enemy will pay a heavy price for his acts of massacre."


Habib said the Palestinian people will not surrender and will carry on its struggle.


"Today we depart from our martyrs and they will depart from their casualties in Tel Aviv and all of Israel," Habib said.


He added that "the Zionist enemy insists on spilling Palestinian blood and we insist on continuing the jihad and resistance."


"With the help of Allah, resistance group will respond with power. All options are open," he vowed.


A cabinet minister from Hamas, Yousef Rizka, condemned what he called "the continuous series of Israeli massacres of our Palestinian people."


"I call on the international community to immediately intervene to protect the Palestinian people from the increasing aggression of the Israeli occupation army, which will definitely provoke a response that will engage the entire region," Rizka said.


News Agencies contributed to the report


פרסום ראשון: 06.13.06, 17:43
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