
How long should it last

It's about time to raise the question: How long should sex last?

It’s hard to get definitive facts on sex. For two reasons mainly: First it’s done in private and reported after the fact, and two, we humans tend to add projection and fantasy (inadvertently) to what actually went down.


Following a discussion with friends, I wanted to find out how long, on average, does sex last?


We were all pretty clear that 15 seconds is definitely not long enough, and that there was rarely a need for more than an hour. But that’s in reference to straight intercourse.


As I read on the way we quantify sex, is somewhat subjective. Is it from the time you start thinking about it, acting on it, or entering into it?


One thing the article did make clear, in the end, is that those who refer to having sex all night long, are definitely not doing it eight hours straight. They’re breaking, experimenting or repeating in between.


So first and foremost, don’t ever worry about living up to that straight goal of a non-stop sexathon. It’s physically almost impossible, if nothing else, and probably a tad bit painful. In fact, contrary to what many men think, lasting longer is not objectively better.


Who wants to be average?

One site I found listed that the average man lasts 14 minutes. I guess that would by default create the average length for women as well.


Though that might not be an entirely accurate assumption - a Durex sponsored study states that the average man has sex 101 times a year while the average woman does it 106 times a year. You figure out the math there.


But 14 minutes seems like a long shot, when an article in “The Journal for Sexual Medicine,” after timing 500 couples, found the average time for the actual deed to be a mere 5.4 minutes. The longest lasting lovers were apparently the British coming in at 7.6 minutes, while the Turkish trailed in last at 3.7 minutes.


So what’s the final verdict? Do what you like, do what she likes, shake it all up a bit, and have fun. And as in most things, don’t just settle on average. There’s so much further to go.


פרסום ראשון: 12.21.06, 21:30
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