
Khaled Mashaal
Photo: AP

Hamas chief says Mideast conference doomed to fail

US-sponsored international conference on Israeli-Palestinian peace will serve only Israel's interests, Hamas political leader Khaled Mashaal says in CNN interview broadcast Monday

The US-sponsored international conference on Israeli-Palestinian peace is doomed to fail because it will serve only Israel's interests, Hamas political leader Khaled Mashaal said in a CNN interview broadcast on Monday.


Calling the gathering, expected in November, "a meeting controlled and directed by US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice", Mashaal, who lives in Damascus, said neither Israel nor the United States was serious about achieving peace.


"There is no doubt that the outcome will be leaning towards Israel's best interest because (Prime Minister Ehud) Olmert is the stronger side in the negotiations," Mashaal said, according to CNN's translation of his comments in Arabic.


"All these reasons are going to lead to a failure," said Mashaal, who was injected with poison by Israeli agents in Jordan in 1997 but was saved by an antidote sent from Israel after his attackers were overpowered and arrested.


A US-sponsored international conference on Israeli-Palestinian peace is doomed to fail because it will serve only Israel's interests, Hamas chief Khaled Mashaal said in a CNN interview broadcast on Monday.


Calling the gathering, expected in November, "a meeting controlled and directed by (US Secretary of State) Condoleezza Rice", Mashaal, who lives in exile in Damascus, said neither Israel nor the United States was serious about achieving peace.


"There is no doubt that the outcome will be leaning towards Israel's best interest because (Israeli Prime Minister Ehud) Olmert is the stronger side in the negotiations," Mashaal said, according to CNN's translation of his comments in Arabic.


"All these reasons are going to lead to a failure," said Mashaal, who was injected with poison by Israeli agents in Jordan in 1997 but was saved by an antidote sent from Israel after his attackers were overpowered and arrested.


פרסום ראשון: 08.27.07, 17:44
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