
Libman. Fighting online
Photo: Avihu Shapira
Noam Shalit. Heading for Strasbourg
Photo: AFP

New Internet campaign for Shalit's release launched

Campaign to recruit activists, open Facebook group titled 'Gilad's army of friends'. Campaign head: Popular protest bearing an electorate threat will have influence over decision makers. 'We hope to recruit hundreds of thousands,' he says

The headquarters of the campaign calling for the release of kidnapped soldier Gilad Shalit launched on Sunday a new Internet campaign aimed at recruiting close to 1 million people for the cause through the Facebook social network, where a new group will be opened on July 21, titled 'Gilad's army of friends'.


According to campaign head Shimshon Libman, a large quantity of participants, possibly hundreds of thousands, "will express the willingness for a required step for Gilad's release. I am convinced that we are fighting for a value which encapsulates the very essence of national strength".  


The campaign which was launched alongside the events marking three years since Shalit's abduction, is being held mainly through the Internet, in social networks and emails. The bulk of the activity concentrates in recruiting members, writing letters and talk-backs, field work, rally attendance, flier distribution and fund raising.


"I am convinced that an enumeration of hundreds of thousands will in itself express the willingness to the required step to releasing Gilad Shalit. I am convinced that popular protest which bears an electorate threat will have influence over decision makers, no less and perhaps more than the criticism from the general public", he stated.


Libman further added, "I am convinced we can make a difference with every voice that joins the campaign which projects on every new soldier, and every parent sending his son or daughter to the army. I am convinced we are fighting for the unwritten alliance between the sovereign and the individual".


European meetings

Noam Shalit, father of the kidnapped soldier, is due to carry on this week with a series of meetings he is holding with European Union leaders. Shalit will head for Strasbourg and attend the opening session of the European Parliament assembly. He is expected to meet with European foreign ministers "with the intent and will to keep the issue of Gilad's abduction and release on the EU's agenda".


Two weeks ago, Shalit met with Italian Foreign Minister Franco Frattini and with the heads of both Italian parliaments. During the visit Gilad was granted honorary citizenship from the city of Rome.


Last week, Shalit testified in Geneva before the Goldstone committee for the investigation of the Israeli offensive in Gaza.


To join the new campaign visit www. or .  


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