
Tzipi Livni
Photo: Tal Shahar

Livni: Gov't deceiving itself, the public

Opposition chairwoman slams Prime Minister Netanyahu's settlement freeze policy, says continued statement calling move temporary damaging to Israel's interests

Opposition Chairwoman Tzipi Livni said Monday that the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's settlement freeze plan will defer any final decision on the future of the West Bank outposts and settlement blocs.


Speaking in a Kadima faction meeting, Livni said that "every time I hear the prime minister tell settlers 'we'll weather this freeze together' and that it is just a temporary move, it means that there is no decision on the matter.


"Unfortunately," she continued, "when this government speaks of Gush Etzion and Migron in the same breath it means Israel's interests to keep the blocs in tact are compromised."


Livni further accused the government of deceiving itself and the public: "If the prime minister says 'we'll weather this together' it means one of three ill possibilities – the government is either undecided on the need for a deal, it's deceiving itself, or it's deceiving the public."


In order to keep Israel's interests things must be made clear, Livni concluded, adding that "if the only reason (for the settlement freeze) is to satisfy the US, the result is indecision."


פרסום ראשון: 12.07.09, 15:34
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