
Original cover of Pink Floyd album
Photo: Album cover

Pink Floyd anthem rewritten for young Iranians

(Video) Roger Waters gives Canadian brothers of Iranian descent permission to rewrite 'Another Brick in the Wall' as protest against Iranian authorities

VIDEO - A Canadian band by the name of Blurred Vision recently recorded a rendition of the Pink Floyd classic, "Another Brick in the Wall." In the new version, the band members sing, "Hey Ayatollah, leave those kids alone," instead of, "Hey teacher, leave those kids alone" in the original version.


The band members, two brothers of Iranian descent, recorded the song which was written in 1979 and became the anthem of the fall of the Berlin wall in 1990, in protest against the authorities in Iran.


New song's video 


According to the pair, they are expressing the voice of the young generation that opposes the country's regime. According to reports from Canada, Roger Waters himself heard the new rendition and gave his blessing for the song to be used for protest purposes, and in a rare move even approved the change in lyrics. Proceeds will go to Amnesty International.


In the song's video, the band members can be scene fleeing a man dressed as an Iranian religious figure, with images of everyday life in Iran appearing in between shots. In the Islamic Republic, playing and listening to rock music is illegal.


Roger Waters, the song's writer, is slated to start his new tour titled "The Wall" in Toronto next month.



פרסום ראשון: 08.13.10, 15:18
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