
Cohen. Confessed early on
Photo: Guy Assayag

Sentence of man who threw shoe at Beinish reduced

Pini Cohen, who threw shoe at Supreme Court president will serve two years in prison instead of three, Jerusalem District Court rules

The Jerusalem District Court on Tuesday decided to reduce the sentence of Pini Cohen who was convicted for throwing his shoe at Supreme Court President Dorit Beinish.


The judges reduced Cohen's sentence to two years in prison instead of the three given to him by the Jerusalem Magistrate's Court. The panel took into consideration Cohen's personal circumstances as well as the fact he confessed to the crime at an early stage.


In June, Cohen was sentenced to three years behind bars. Jerusalem Magistrates Court Judge Shimon Feinberg explained the tough sentence, saying the accused had challenged the entire judicial system and his act was without precedent.


"Three years' imprisonment for this crime is a long, painful, deterrent and effective punishment," the prosecution said during a hearing on Cohen's appeal. "However, a lighter punishment would also answer to this description. It wouldn't be a lighter sentence, but a less heavy one."



פרסום ראשון: 11.16.10, 10:24
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