
Barenboim. 'His efforts for Berlin are indisputable'
Photo: Monika Rittershaus

Barenboim to stay 10 more years in Berlin

Renowned Israeli conductor signs new contract to remain musical director of German capital's Staatsoper opera house for another decade

Renowned conductor Daniel Barenboim signed a new contract Wednesday to remain musical director of the city's Staatsoper opera house for another decade, Berlin Mayor Klaus Wowereit said.


The Israeli-Argentinian conductor has been in the role since 1992.


"I'm extraordinarily happy that we managed to keep Daniel Barenboim in Berlin for the coming years," Wowereit said. "His efforts for the Staatsopera and the city of Berlin are indisputable."


Wowereit said the city's new contract for the 68-year-old would take effect when his current one expires at the end of the month.


The famous opera's 19th-century home on Unter den Linden boulevard in what used to be East Berlin is currently under construction and will reopen at the beginning of the 2014-2015 season.


The Staatsoper has moved across town to the Schiller Theater during the restoration work.


It's one of three major opera houses in the German capital.



פרסום ראשון: 07.12.11, 09:05
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