
Leiby Kletzky's picture on search form
Photo: Israel Farkash

Song written in Brooklyn boy's memory

'Jewish Elvis' Lipa Schmeltzer says he was moved to tears by eight-year-old Leiby Kletzky's tragic death

A singer known as the "Jewish Elvis" says he was moved to tears by the tragic death of eight-year-old Leiby Kletzky and is writing a song in his memory.


Lipa Schmeltzer tells the Daily News he'll call the song "The Story of Leiby."


Schmeltzer paid a Shiva call at the boy's family home in Borough Park, Brooklyn, on Sunday.


He said he's writing the song for an upcoming album.


The boy was found dead and dismembered last week. Prosecutors say Levi Aron lured the boy to his home after Leiby boy got lost while walking home from an Orthodox Jewish day camp.


The 35-year-old suspect has pleaded not guilty to charges of murder and kidnapping.



פרסום ראשון: 07.21.11, 08:37
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