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JCS eyes 'war accommodations'

Jerusalem Capital Studios, which provides production services for foreign news networks, has reportedly booked hotel rooms for foreign correspondents who may arrive in Israel should war break out

The Jerusalem Capital Studios Group, better known as JCS, is marking accommodation arrangments for foreign journalists who might be coming to Israel in the event of a war, Calcalist learned.


The company, which provides production services for foreign news networks, has reportedly reserved the option to book rooms at the David InterContinental Hotel in Tel Aviv, in case of war with Iran.


JCS CEO Hanani Rapoport said that the company has reserved rooms on the top floors of the hotels: "In our experience from the 1991 Gulf War, those are the rooms the foreign news crews prefer, because they afford them better angles to film, should missiles hit.


"Our premise is to provide them with both secure accommodations and ones they can use to broadcast from."


Foreign media outlets have downsized their presence in Israel over the past few years, mainly for financial reasons.


According to Rapoport, "This has been in the works since May-June, but despite the bustle noted in the Israeli media over the past week, foreign correspondent haven't cut short their summer vacations to come here.


"I hope that at the end of the day, we'll use the rooms only as a bonus to employees," he said.




פרסום ראשון: 08.21.12, 07:26
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