
Photo: Dafna Maroz
Nachal Bokek
Photo: Dafna Maroz

German tour guide dies while hiking in Judean desert

Man collapses while guiding group of tourists on mountain hike, evidently due to heart attack

A German tour guide  died on Saturday while leading a group of tourists on a hike in the Nachal Bokek region in the Judean Desert.


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While the group was climbing up to an observation point, the guide, a man in his fifties, complained of chest pain and collapsed. Magen David Adom paramedics who responded the scene had no choice but to pronounce him dead. A search and rescue crew evacuated the man's body.


A similar case took place about month, when ago a 22-year-old resident of central Israel fell unconscious and died while hiking in the Golan Heights. Emergency response crews attempted to revive her, but to no avail.




פרסום ראשון: 09.08.12, 12:22
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