
נהג משאית הותקף סמוך ל מחסום סוסיא שני פלסטינים נהרגו
Photo: Eliad Levy

East Jerusalem man indicted over death of illegal alien

Jaber Hamada broke through IDF checkpoint while transporting 15 illegal aliens; Border Guard fire killed one of the passengers as a result

An east Jerusalem resident transporting illegal aliens to a checkpoint near Maale Adumim is being accused of negligent manslaughter over the death of one of the passengers hit by Border Guard fire.


According to an indictment filed with the Jerusalem District Court, Jaber Hamada transported 15 illegal aliens for NIS 200. A Border Guard officer who noticed him reported it to the a-Zaim checkpoint. When Hamada arrived at the checkpoint, another officer prepared to detain him and opened one of the car's doors.


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Realizing he was about to get arrested, Hamada started speeding off, by-passing vehicles at the checkpoint despite calls urging him to stop. He failed to do so even when the commander at the scene pointed his weapon at him. The commander fired several shots as he leapt sideways to avoid being run over.


Fearing the incident was a terror attack, officers and security guards began firing at the vehicle which had broken through the checkpoint heading to Jerusalem. One of the passengers sustained a head injury as a result, and three others, including the driver, were also injured.


Hamada continued speeding with punctured tires letting the passengers off only at the a-Zaim village.


Hamada is being charged with attempted aggravated battery, negligent manslaughter, reckless behavior and attempt to transport and illegal alien.




פרסום ראשון: 09.09.12, 23:42
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