
Ben-Gurion Airport (archives)
Photo: Yaron Brener

1.2 million people to visit airport on holidays

As High Holidays approach, many Israelis head abroad. Most popular destinations include Greece, Germany, US, Italy and Russia

The Israel Airports Authority is preparing for the holiday traffic: According to early estimates, some 1.21 passengers are expected to pass through Ben-Gurion Airport on September 13-October 11 on about 7,700 different flights.


The most popular destinations these days are Greece, Germany, the United States, Italy and Russia.


The busiest days are expected to be September 13 (65,790 international travelers on 411 flights), September 19 (56,892 passengers on 340 flights), September 20 (64,310 passengers on 399 flights), September 27 (59,864 passengers on 380 flights), and October 4 (57,349 passengers on 364 flights).


Israel will close its borders on September 25 at 1 pm for the holy day of Yom Kippur. The last departure from Ben-Gurion Airport is scheduled for 12:55 pm, and the last flight to arrive is scheduled for 12:25 pm. The airspace will reopen for flight on September 26 at 9 pm. Passenger registration for flights will begin about an hour after Yom Kippur comes to an end.


The IAA is preparing for the holiday traffic by reinforcing its manpower. The airport offers passengers free trolleys, luggage scales, long-term parking, shuttles for no extra charge, synagogues, kosher restaurants and a variety of shops.


Information about the flight schedule can be found on the IAA's website and call center (972-3-9755555 or *6663 from any phone in Israel).



פרסום ראשון: 09.11.12, 14:53
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