
King Abdullah of Jordan
Photo: Reuters

Abdullah warns of Jordanian Hizbullah

King of Jordan says Israel should 'understand that peace won't be obtained by wiping out Hizbullah,' as 'in two years a new Hizbullah will be set up in other countries, maybe in Jordan, Syria, Egypt, and Iraq'

King Abdullah of Jordan said Thursday evening that even if Hizbullah is defeated, peace will not come, and other similar organizations in other countries will be set up.


"Even if Hizbullah is destroyed, no solution will be found. After a year or two a new Hizbullah will be set up in other countries, maybe in Jordan, Syria, Egypt, and Iraq," he said.


During an interview given by the Jordanian king to two Jordanian newspapers, (al-Rai and al-Rad), he said: "We've warned for a few months that the situation in the region is unacceptable and that deep solutions must be found to the reasons causing the tension. We must be concerned for the fate of Iraq if Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki doesn't succeed, as we will all pay a heavy price. Regarding the situation in Lebanon – we must stop the aggression on Lebanon. They want to destroy Hizbullah with Israeli tanks and the Israeli Air Force, but peace will be obtained by returning occupied territories and the establishment of a Palestinian state; that is the only solution."


"Even if Hizbullah is destroyed and no solution is found to the Palestinian, Lebanese, or Syrian problem, after a year or two a new Hizbullah will be set up in different countries, maybe in Jordan, Syria, Egypt, or Iraq. Israel must understand this. There's no solution in south Lebanon without an agreement with the Lebanese government. There's no solution in Palestine without returning the Palestinian rights," the king said.


In the same breath he chose to condemn Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's realignment plan: "We reject the plans of the Israeli prime minister which aspire to take unilateral steps. We believe that the United States understands this now and the Israelis should also understand this."


'We will aid Lebanon as much as needed'


He later added: "As long as there is aggression and occupation – there will be resistance and support for resistance."


During the interview the king asked for an immediate ceasefire and expressed his bitterness for the battle wreckage caused to Lebanon and the "terrible act of butchery in Qana."  

When asked whether his country intends to participate in the multi-national force, he answered with a definitive no. "Jordan won't participate in such forces, but we will aid Lebanon as much as needed," he said.


The king was asked about the axis between Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan, which in effect positioned his country against Hizbullah at the start of the fighting, albeit behind the scenes. "We are not for policies of 'an axis,'" Abdullah said, rejecting the idea politely. "But are we forbidden from meeting, consulting, and taking similar stances?" he added.


The king was asked whether he intended to withdraw his new ambassador in Israel back to Jordan due to the situation in Lebanon. "We'll do what will be best for our homeland and for the good of our brothers in Palestine and Lebanon," he said.


פרסום ראשון: 08.03.06, 17:40
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