According to the Council, each rabbi will deal with the issues his area. In areas that are not under the jurisdiction of the five rabbis – the issue will be determined by the Council.
In addition, the Council's members set up a clear criteria so that the authority of "mara de-atra" ("master of the house") on issues that are not shmita-related.
Yet, the rabbis protested the High Court's intervention and attacked Tzohar and the organizations that "used the crisis to clash with the Chief Rabbinate's authority."
Tzohar organization said in response, "We are satisfied with the Rabbinate's decision. We will continue to operate the alternate kashrut apparatus until we are convinced that every business that wants a certificate based on heter mechira receives it. We did not establish an alternative rabbinate; we will be happy if the Rabbinate fulfills its mandate and make our apparatus unnecessary."
Chairman of the Knesset's Constitution, Law and Justice Committee, MK Menachem Ben Sasson, congratulated the Chief Rabbinate's decision that put an end to the crisis. Ben Sasson said, however, that "the Knesset must pursue a legislative solution so we will not have to face such hurdles again in the next shmita year."