Speaking at a ceremony to honor graduates of the Atidim project in Jerusalem, he said: "I come here directly from the climax of a dramatic day where the prime minister and I, as the chairman of Israel's largest political party, decided to go together (and establish) a unity government for the welfare and future of the State of Israel.
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"This is the biggest coalition, (94) Knesset members, the biggest we have ever had in the history of the State of Israel. I say this as there are decisions that concern you, and I decided to join this coalition not for portfolios, rather for a number of goals that are very important to the State of Israel: Changing the government system and changing the Tal Law."
Mofaz added: "We decided in the early hours of the morning that by July 31 a team from Kadima would lead new legislation where the message is one law for everyone with regards to military service in the IDF.
"We can no longer separate blood from blood in the State of Israel. This issue where some serve and others do not is a moral stain on Israeli society. There is no reason why the son of the IDF chief of staff should serve in an elite unit…while others don't even serve one day.
"Those who cannot serve in the military should volunteer for civic service. You, the young (generation) that carries the burden, must insist upon having one rule for all in the State of Israel."
Meanwhile, while Mofaz says that he did not join the coalition for portfolios, it seems he might soon be getting them.
A sources close to the prime minister said, "There are portfolios that will soon be free and they will be transferred to Kadima in due course."
Officials in Likud believe that it is possible that Netanyahu would have to examine the option of taking one of the portfolios currently held by the Atzmaut faction. Likud and Kadima agreed that any additional portfolio distribution would be examined after an alternative to the Tal Law is presented.
Attila Somfalvi contributed to the report
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