Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Friday that the reports suggesting that Iran has installed new centrifuges in its Fordo facility are proof that it is pursuing nuclear weapons and has, in fact, accelerated its nuclear work.
Iran's actions, he added, are "In utter disregard of international demands."
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Netanyahu's remarks were made during a meeting with Congressman Mike Rogers (R-MI), who is visiting Israel.
On Thursday, US diplomatic sources reported that the Islamic Republic has installed new uranium enrichment centrifuges in an underground bunker in its Fordo facility, which is harbored inside a mountain near Qom.
One diplomatic source said Thursday that Iran has installed up to 100 new centrifuges in the facility, whose location is one particularly immune to aerial strikes.
A detailed account of Iran's believed activity in Fordo is expected to be included in the next IAEA report on Tehran's nuclear endeavors.
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