
O'Connor says wasn't properly informed of 'potential ramifications of accepting work in war zones'

Sinead O'Connor says she'll back out of Israel show if she can

Irish singer tries to cancel Caesarea concert, saying she was 'unaware that a boycott of Israel had been requested by the Palestinian people.'

Irish singer Sinead O'Connor is trying to cancel her upcoming concert in Israel for political reasons, in a show of support for the cultural boycott pro-Palestinian activists are seeking to impose on Israel.



Nearly every artist holding talks for a performance in the Jewish state is approached by pro-Palestinian activists and asked to join the boycott, but most requests are turned down.


O'Connor, who is scheduled to perform in Caesarea on September 11, has apparently given in to the pressure.


“I was not informed by my booking agent, and was unaware myself, that a boycott of Israel had been requested by the Palestinian people," the singer said in a now-deleted statement published on her website (Google cache version). "I agreed to perform having been unaware any such boycott had been requested. Had I been aware I would not have agreed to perform."


The statement was removed several hours later, but O'Connor has not changed her mind. She later added, "If I cannot remove myself from the show without cost to myself, then I will perform because I can’t afford the legal costs involved in not performing.


"I do not appreciate being bullied by anyone on either side of this debate any more than I appreciate not being properly informed by my booking agent of the potential ramifications of accepting work in war zones."


The Zappa Group, which is producing the Israel show, offered the following response: "Sinead O'Connor have been under heavy pressure. We will make every effort to bring her here."


פרסום ראשון: 06.17.14, 10:38
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