
Photo: Getty Images
Madonna sparks political debate on Instagram
Photo: Getty Images

Madonna angers fans with call for Mideast ceasefire

American superstar attacked by Israeli Instagram followers after posting picture of murdered Arab youth Mohammed Abu Khdeir. In response, she adds picture of three murdered Israeli teens.

American superstar Madonna sparked a row on her Instagram account Saturday night when she posted a picture of Arab youth Mohammed Abu Khdeir, who was murdered by Jewish extremists last week.



In the photo's caption she wrote, "Cease fire on both sides! All human life is valuable! Stop the violence!" She added the tag #revolutionoflove, which she has been promoting in different ways, as well as #peaceinthemiddleeast.


The post was immediately met with harsh comments against Madonna, who is known to be very fond of the State of Israel, the Jewish people and the Kabbalah. Some of her followers asked how she could talk about a revolution while Israel was facing a terror organization.


Many others, some with clear Israeli names, cursed the pop star and criticized her decision to post a picture of Abu Khdeir and not of the three Israeli teens who were kidnapped and murdered by Palestinian terrorists.


Second picture posted by Madonna of murdered Israeli teens (photo from Instagram)


The comments developed into a political debate, with Madonna's followers attacking and cursing each others. There was no revolution of love there, that's for sure.


Madonna's response was quick to follow. She posted another picture, this time of the three murdered Israeli teens – Gil-Ad Shaer, Naftali Frenkel and Eyal Yifrach – and wrote, "Conflicts can never be resolved through violence! Cease fire on both sides.. All human life is precious!"


The new picture did not stop the political debate on Madonna's Instagram account, as harsh comments continued to pour in from both sides of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.


פרסום ראשון: 07.14.14, 11:12
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