
2005 state budget expected to be approved in Knesset vote
Photo: Dan Balilti
Shinui will back budget in exchange for millions of shekels . Lapid (L), Sharon
Photo: Dan Balilti

Shinui to back state budget

Party expected to support 2005 state budget in Knesset vote; in return, government to allocate millions of shekels toward culture, education, environment

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon signed an agreement Saturday with Shinui leaders whereby Shinui would support the 2005 state budget in exchange for NIS 700 million (about USD167 million).


In a meeting between Sharon and Shinui Chairman Yosef Lapid and party member Avraham Poraz, which was held at Sharon’s Hashikmim Ranch in the south, the sides agreed Shinui would vote in favor of the budget, and in return the government would allocate NIS 700 million (about USD167 million) toward education, culture, the environment, and to benefit IDF reservist soldiers.


The agreement assures the approval of the state budget in the Knesset vote scheduled for next week, despite the opposition of Likud party “rebels.”


Sunday morning Shunui party members are set to meet with Likud officials to draft the final details of the agreement.


Lapid told Ynet “Our concern for the implementation of the disengagement plan and the continuation of the diplomatic process tipped the scales.”


'This is not about the disengagement'


During the meeting, Sharon, Lapid, and Poraz watched the World Cup qualifying soccer match between Israel and Ireland, which ended in a 1:1 draw.


Earlier, senior Shinui members told Ynet Sharon has already been informed that the party would be able to support the budget even if it would not join the coalition if the government would redirect NIS 290 million (about USD 69 million) currently earmarked for the United Torah Judaism party.


Sharon is also expected to meet with Yachad Chairman Yossi Beilin Sunday to discuss the budget.


In a meeting this past week with Likud party “rebels” opposed to the disengagement, Sharon said, “We have no majority for the budget. I think you should support the budget. This is not an ideological matter, this is not about the disengagement; it is about medicines for the health basket, the municipalities, and other issues.”


“The budget’s approval is a requirement for the Likud’s continued rule,” he said. 


פרסום ראשון: 03.26.05, 21:03
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