
Photo: Uri Yaari
Qassam rocket (archive photo)
Photo: Uri Yaari

Qassams strike Sderot, Gaza

Rocket lands in city street, injuring one resident lightly. Palestinian sources report electricity cut off in large parts of northern Gaza after two Qassams aimed at Israel land in Palestinian territory, strike main electrical pole; IDF: Islamic Jihad behind Qassam launchings

Following a relatively short lull in rocket attacks on Israel, a Qassam rocket landed in Sderot Tuesday evening.


One resident sustained light injuries in the attack and was treated on the spot by Magen David Adom paramedics.


The rocket landed in one of the city’s streets and caused damage to a parking car. Residents said the attack caused a massive explosion and stirred panic throughout the city.


“We heard the blast and the ‘Red Dawn’ alert system for a few minutes,” one resident said.


Earlier two Qassams landed near Sderot and another landed near Kibbutz Zikim, while the third landed in the Mediterranean sea.


IDF: Islamic Jihad behind Qassam attacks


Sderot Mayor Eli Moyal said that according to reports six Qassams landed in the area; four landed in the outskirts of Sderot, he added.


“As always, no one calls and we are completely ignored,” Moyal said.


“Apart from Benjamin Netanyahu, who called to see how we were, no one else in the security establishment or in the Prime Minister’s Office contacted us.”


“I suppose (Acting Prime Minister Ehud) Olmert cannot be bothered with such a trivial issue such as Qassam attacks on Sderot. After all, he is busy with forming the (Kadima) list and running for prime minister; I guess he cannot be bothered with the lives of the miserable Sderot residents.”


But it was not only Sderot that suffered from Tuesday’s Qassam rocket launchings. Palestinian sources said electricity was cut off in large parts of northern Gaza after two Qassams aimed at Israel landed in Palestinian territory and struck a main electrical pole.


In total, IDF forces identified at least 10 Qassam launchings from Gaza toward Israeli targets – six landed in Gaza, one apparently landed in the ocean and the rest in Israeli territory.


IDF officials said Islamic Jihad is behind the Qassam attacks, perhaps as a response to the killing of a senior group member in Jenin. 


פרסום ראשון: 02.01.06, 00:50
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