

'Summer Rains' with Arab illustrations

According to Arab Illustrators: Israel torpedoes Arab peace initiatives and draws rivers of blood, protected by international community and hidden by World Cup.

The Arab world knows how to depict IDF operations in Gaza as a violent caprice and as a negative answer to Arab peace offerings. Apparently, under cover of the World Cup, Israel escapes notice and causes rivers of blood in Gaza.


In articles among various Arab news networks, there are some who express the minority opinion that Hamas were those to complicate the situation, with negative consequences for the Palestinian people. But among the non-verbal messages, including Arab political cartoons, these voices are not heard.


Thus, for example, cartoonist Yazid Aliyah depicted the situation from his perspective in the Jordanian newspaper, "al-Rad". Titled "Balanced American policy", is a picture of Cpl. Gilad Shalit illustrated as worth all of the Gaza Strip. A few days before, Aliyah drew President Bush as holding Shalit about international law: 


A number of days ago, cartoonists were published in the Arab media, expressing doubts similar to those of the Palestinian government, and said that Israel is the one torpedoing peace initiatives. Thus, for example, an Arab illustrator shows an Israeli billy club breaking eggs of political initiatives left by the Arab dove of peace: 



And this is when, nestled on Peretz's moustache, sitting opposite an Arab dove, is a hawk:


The international community, according to the caricatures, is the one freeing Israel's hand. In a political cartoon in the "Asharq Alawast" newspaper, the international community allows Israel to use 'small' explosives against the Palestinians: 


And this is at a time when operation "Summer Rains" causes veritable rivers of Palestinian blood: 


Israeli actions are afforded legitimacy, or at least tacit approval, by the international community, under cover of the World Cup in Germany, according to a depiction in the "al-Rad" Jordanian newspaper: 


Thus, at a time when, in Germany, everyone is cheering, under the threat of Israeli tanks: everyone is crying: 


This according to a well-known cartoonist in the Qatar newspaper "Al-Raya".


פרסום ראשון: 07.10.06, 09:32
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