
Photo: Hagai Aharon
Ran Erez
Photo: Hagai Aharon

High school teachers threaten strike on September 2

Head of secondary school teachers' association informs teachers across country school year will not open as planned due to Finance Ministry's failure to meet organization's demands

After negotiations between representatives of the Secondary School Teacher Association and the Finance and Education Ministries derailed Monday, head of the association Ran Erez sent a letter to the teachers informing them that the school year will not open as planned on September 2.


In his letter, Erez noted that despite countless meetings between the two sides, the Finance Ministry has ignored almost all the demands presented by the teachers regarding wages and employment conditions, including those that did not involve substantial funding.


Erez's message was sent to all secondary school teachers by email, and some received instant messages to their cellular phones.


"In light of the Finance Ministry's actions, it is clear to us today that it does not intend to invest in the education system.


"The conclusion is that without a struggle, there is no chance that the Finance Ministry will come around and invest the funds this system is in such dire need of," he concluded.


פרסום ראשון: 08.20.07, 20:44
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