
Iranian kid standing on Israeli flag at exhibit
Photo: AFP

Israel, US flags trampled at Koran exhibition in Iran

Fifteenth International Koran exhibition in Tehran features artwork, scriptures, calligraphies and US, Israel flags as doormats in hall's entry

The International Koran exhibition hosted in Tehran during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan featured a unique activity for its visitors: US and Israel flags were placed on the floor of the exhibition's entryway, thus forcing those who visit it to walk over them on their way in – symbolically trampling Iran's enemies.


Trampling US and Israel flags is common in Iran. Ever since the Islamic revolution swept the country in 1979, the sights of burning or trampled US and Israel flags, along with signs calling for the destruction of the two, have been seen in almost every one of the anti-West demonstrations stages by the regime.


Using flags as doormats is considered a small protest against what Iran calls the "big devil" and the "little devil" – the former being the US and the latter – Israel.


Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad may have been making fewer public statements denouncing the two allies, but that has been attributed to a media-oriented decision rather than to a change in policy.


Iran, it seems, wants to use the exhibition to enhance its position among the Islamic nations and maybe even solidify its status as their leader. In order to do that, Iran must continue its fight against those considered Islam's sworn enemies – the US and Israel.


Twenty-one countries have taken part in the exhibition titled "Life of the Koran, Islamic Unity". Held in the hall named after the Ayatollah Rouhollah Khomeini, this is the 15th exhibition of its kind.


The exhibition features Koran related artwork, translation of the scriptures, paintings and calligraphies. It will stand in Tehran until the end of Ramadan and then tour 30 of Iran's provinces.


This year's exhibition also features a special section dedicated to Jerusalem, as well as sections on "Palestine" and the "divine protection" – a nickname given to the days of the Iran-Iraq war, which took place in 1980–1988.


פרסום ראשון: 09.17.07, 23:51
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