
Peres - No one twisting our arm on this
Photo: Gil Yohanan

Peres: This won't be like Oslo

President says current peace initiative enjoys US-support while Israel's concerns are addressed in full. Meanwhile Olmert is hoping a Syrian presence in Annapolis will lead to successful negotiations with Damascus

"Annapolis is a tremendous opportunity, it won't be an instantaneous solution to everything, but I have spoken to the Arab leaders and there is a spirit of trust and optimism there," said President Shimon Peres on Tuesday following a briefing with Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.


"Our starting point for the negotiations is far better than anything we could have expected," said Peres.

The president also noted the apparent cooperation between the triumvirate – Washington, Jerusalem and Ramallah.


Olmert and Peres on Tuesday (Photo: Gil Yohanan) 


"This is different from Oslo, without the support of the Americans. Today no one is twisting Israel's arm, no one is writing off its yearning for peace," he said, noting that when the peace process began more than a decade ago, both sides were unable to trust each other.


Ahead of his upcoming official visit to Ankara, Peres said that Turkey "could absolutely play a key role in the peace process." The president is scheduled to address the Turkish parliament, a diplomatic feat

described as "historic" by Olmert.


In a joint press conference held after his meeting with the president, Olmert said he had high hopes that success with the Palestinians would eventually lead to a similar peace process with the Syrians.


פרסום ראשון: 11.06.07, 12:32
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