
A jolting response. Scene of attack
Photo: Reuters

Report: Hamas backs on claim of Jerusalem attack

Hamas radio issues conflicting reports claiming deadly attack at Mercaz Harav yeshiva first, negating claim later. 'We don't claim this honor yet," says spokesman for groups military wing

Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip backtracked Friday on their claim of responsibility for the deadly militant attack  on Mercaz Harav yeshiva in Jerusalem, in which eight people were killed and six others wounded.


Ibrahim Daher, head of Hamas' al-Aqsa radio, said his station put out an earlier claim of responsibility prematurely, based on confused information.


Abu Obeida, a spokesman for Hamas' military wing, confirmed the group was not taking credit for the attack - yet.


"There may be a later announcement... but we don't claim this honor yet," Obeida said.


Earlier Friday, Hamas radio said the group claimed responsibility for the attack, reiterating the military wing's promise for "a jolting response" to this week's violence in the Gaza Strip in which more than 120 Palestinians were killed by the Israeli military, many of them in the northern Gaza town Jabalya.


The radio referred to the Jerusalem attack as "the fruits of what happened in Jabalya" and called on believers to "celebrate this victory against the brutal enemy."


A Palestinian terrorist infiltrated the Mercaz Harav rabbinical seminary in the Kiryat Moshe quarter of Jerusalem on Thursday evening and opened fire on a crowded study hall.


Initial security assessments indicated that the gunman was a resident of East Jerusalem and likely held the blue ID card given to Israeli citizens.


Prior to Hamas' announcement, the 'Galilee Freedom Brigades' – an Israeli-Arab group – claimed responsibility for the attack. The organization has claimed responsibility for several terror attacks in Israel in the past.


Aviram Zino contributed to this report


פרסום ראשון: 03.07.08, 16:58
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