
Metallica - Israel is waiting with open arms
Photo: Gettyimages

Metallica set to perform in Israel in September

World-renowned heavy metal band likely to stage September performance at Israel’s Nokia Stadium

The American heavy metal band, Metallica may be making its way to Israel. The band is scheduled to perform in September at Nokia Stadium in Yad Eliyahu, Tel Aviv.


Negotiations are currently being conducted between the group’s management and producer Shuki Weiss.


This will not be Metallica’s first time performing in Israel. In 1993, the band members had their first-ever concert at the Yarkon Park in Tel Aviv. Six years later, Metallica returned to Israel and performed at the Amphi-Park in Rishon Lezion.


Metallica, one of the most popular heavy metal bands to date is supposed to arrive in Israel as part of its European tour making its way to Russia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Germany, Turkey, Romania, Belgium, France and England.


Nir Portzelina, Director-General of Sports operating the Nokia Stadium said in response, “We are indeed conducting negotiations surrounding Metallica’s arrival in Israel and we hope that they come to fruition. The outcome looks positive.”


Ronit Arbel, Shuki Weiss’ spokeswoman refused to comment.


פרסום ראשון: 06.14.08, 11:41
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