
Nati Meir – Moving back to Israel?

Resigning Israeli MP: Don't come to Romania

Israeli member of Romanian parliament warns of anti-Semitic wave, says Jews being blamed for financial crisis

Nati Meir, a former Israeli currently serving a member of the Romanian parliament, has announced on Sunday his plans to stand down from his position, due to increasing number of anti-Semitic incidents in Romania.


Meir is expected to submit his resignation on Monday, but for the moment he is taking the opportunity to warn Israeli businesspeople who are working in the country.


"Jews are going to be facing some tough times here. The era of Israeli growth in Romania is over. I would seriously think twice about coming here," Meir told Ynet.


In regards to the situation in Romania and the reasons for his resignation, Meir said that "currently there is a wave of Anti Semitism. I've been living here for the last 13 years, and it's only getting worse with each passing year. If this is the situation we face, and I as a parliament member see these things, and I have no right to respond to it, I decided to do something. The Nationalist Party is dancing on Jewish blood and no one is standing up and saying it's illegal. If I didn't take this step, then where would we be?"


'Jews are always at fault'

In response to the various stories in the local press and television, criticizing the scope of the activities carried out by Israeli real estate developers, Meir said "they claim that the Israelis stole their lands. That it's because of us that there is a financial crisis. The Jews are always at fault and no one reacts, no one cares, and the papers publish the same stories over and over again."


According to Meir, Israeli investors should be careful and reconsider their plans in Romania. 


"Many of the Israeli companies that come here need to understand that there is a problem of anti-Semitism. The time of Jewish growth in Romania is gone, and tough times are ahead. As soon as they blame the Israelis, who knows where it will end, be careful about coming to Romania."


Meir added that due to the recent outbreak of ant-Semitism, his family is seriously considering moving back to Israel.


פרסום ראשון: 10.12.08, 16:35
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