
IDF soldier in Jenin (Archive photo)
Photo: Reuters

IDF kills Palestinian near Jenin

Palestinians say 70-year-old farmer killed during nighttime IDF raid; army says gunfire opened at troops, rifle found on man's body

Palestinians said Israeli soldiers killed a 70-year-old farmer in a nighttime raid west of Jenin in the West Bank.


The IDF reported that during its activity fire was opened at the troops, who fired back and killed the shooter. A rifle was found on the man's body. Searches in the area uncovered more weapons.


Taher Abahreh said his father was in a small enclosure outside the town of Yamoun guarding his livestock early Wednesday when he was shot.


He said troops were unsuccessfully trying to treat Muhammad Abahreh when he arrived about an hour after neighbors heard gunfire.


Palestinian security officials confirmed Abahreh's account.


Moderate Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas governs the West Bank. But the territory remains under overall Israeli control, and Israeli forces carry out nightly patrols and raids targeting militants. 


פרסום ראשון: 10.29.08, 09:17
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