
Riots in Hebron
Photo: Dudi Vaaknin

Jews storm Palestinian home in Hebron

Palestinian residing near Federman Farm outpost says rightists set fire to his fields in protest of disputed house eviction. 'I fear it will end in disaster,' he says

Several dozen right-wing activists stormed the grounds of a Palestinian house located near the Federman Farm outpost in Hebron, Palestinian sources reported Thursday evening.


The activists, who were protesting the eviction of the disputed house in the West Bank city earlier in the day, also set Palestinian homes and vehicles ablaze.


Halifa Da'ana, the owner of the house near the Jewish outpost, told Ynet that the assailants also torched an agricultural field that he owns and also began cutting the wire fence separating his home from the Federman Farm.


"They began hurling stones, pieces of metal and anything else they could get their hands on while setting fire to my fields," he recalled. "The attack began at around 4 pm, and despite our plea not one police or army patrol arrived. I fear the event will end in disaster.


Setting fires. Settlers outside the attacked home (Photo: AFP)


"If the settlers manage to enter the house, members of my family will be killed," the Palestinian said.


According to Halifa, the settlers have repeatedly damaged his property since the recent evacuation of the Federman Farm.


Palestinians residing near the Karnei Shomron and Kedumim settlements reported Thursday afternoon that Israeli right-wing activists have blocked roads and hurled stones at Palestinian vehicles from nearby hilltops.


Ali Waked contributed to the report


פרסום ראשון: 12.04.08, 22:06
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