
Soldiers with sign against West Bank evictions
Photo: Asaf Farid
Determined. Barak
Photo: Gil Yohanan

Barak: Inciting rabbis will be dealt with

Addressing Kfir Brigade soldiers' protests against settlement evacuations, defense minister says State should consider action against yeshiva rabbis who 'create atmosphere that encourages disobedience,' but adds phenomenon does not exist in all yeshivas

In response to recent protests by IDF soldiers against settlement evacuations in the West Bank, Defense Minister Ehud Barak said Wednesday that he plans on tackling disobedience within the military.


Ynet has learned that in talks between Major General Avi Zamir, head of the IDF's Personnel Directorate and the rabbis of the Hesder Yeshivas Union, Zamir gave an ultimatum, saying if they do not take more comprehensive and outward action against the disobedience in the Kfir Brigade by next week, the military will realize its threats, and begin canceling the existing agreement with the yeshivas, which combine advanced religious studies with military service.


Barak said the matter must be dealt with in a "determined and uncompromising" manner, but added that the phenomenon does not exist in all yeshivas.


"We should consider taking action against rabbis who incite and create an atmosphere that encourages such behavior," he said.


"If the matter can be resolved without stopping funding for the yeshivas or taking any action against them – that would be preferable."


On Monday, less than a month after soldiers from the Kfir Brigade's Shimshon Batallion waved signs during a ceremony at the Western Wall saying, "We will not evacuate (West Bank settlement) Homesh," two soldiers from the brigade's Nachshon Battalion stood on top of the roof of a building at their military base in South Mount Hebron and waived a sign reading, "Nachshon doesn't evict Jews, either."


Barak said Tuesday afternoon that the political protest in the Kfir Brigade is a "serious phenomenon."


According to him, "The moment you are in uniform, whether in regular service or reserve duty, you are subject to the authority of the State and its elected government." 


פרסום ראשון: 11.18.09, 20:07
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