
Mofaz girding for battle
Photo: Ofer Amram

Mofaz: Kadima elections coming soon

Kadima's leadership hopeful tells supporters to prepare for primaries, slams Livni's leadership

Kadima members will soon be called upon to vote in the party primary elections, Knesset Member Shaul Mofaz told supporters Thursday during a meeting in southern Israel.


"Prepare to be called to vote soon; this is for Kadima's future and for the State of Israel's future," the party's leadership hopeful, who is hoping to dethrone current Chairwoman Tzipi Livni, told the audience of about 150 people.


During the meeting, Mofaz continued to slam Livni's policy, charging that Kadima is facing an absence of leadership and a party rift.


"Tzipi Livni failed twice due to lack of leadership in her attempt to form a government, and one more time in joining the coalition," he said. "We had to be part of the coalition in order to have influence, yet here too personal desire overcame the general will and we found ourselves in the opposition."


Mofaz reminded the audience that he has prepared a diplomatic plan, which he argued can be implemented. However, he said, he was not given a chance to properly present it to the party.


"Those who have another plan should submit it, and we can then argue about which way is the right way," Mofaz said. "We have not been able to create a different kind of politics (in Kadima.) There is no democracy within the party and there is no transparency. The primaries I'm planning for are meant to unite Kadima, rather than to split it."


פרסום ראשון: 01.14.10, 21:43
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