
Quneitra Border Crossing
Photo: Avihu Shapira

Syrian markets to enjoy Israeli apples

For fifth year running, 10,000 tones of Golan Heights-grown apples will be delivered to Damascus markets

Fruitful endeavor: Some 10,000 tons of Israeli apples grown in Golan Heights orchards will be making their way across the Israeli-Syrian border over the next few months, en route to Syrian markets.


The apples were transported in a joint Red Cross-IDF operation, sanctioned by the Israeli and Syrian foreign ministries.


The operation, which began Tuesday, will see Kenyan Red Cross officers drive trucks brought in from Jordan, across the border.

How do you like them apples? (Photo: Avihu Shapira)


The "crossing of the apples" is an annual event. First held in 2005, the operation takes place at the height of apple-picking season, between February and late April.


The shipments usually include Starking and Golden apples, but this year, the shipment also included Granny Smith apples.


Some 30 apple trucks are expected to cross into Syria daily during the coming holiday season.


Ran Goldstein, spokesman for the Red Cross in Israel, said that the organization "was happy for the opportunity to deliver Golan Heights apples to Syria.


"We hope that humanitarian issues as well, like family reunifications, will also be facilitated soon."


An IDF force stationed at the Quneitra Border Crossing supervised the operation. A military statement said: "The apple export was conducted in accordance with government orders and a request to that effect by the Red Cross."


פרסום ראשון: 03.02.10, 17:29
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