
Judge Turkel. 'Creidble probe'
Photo: Gil Yohanan

US: Israeli probe of flotilla raid 'impartial'

State Department spokesman says White House still waiting for UN's conclusions on deadly Navy operation on Gaza-bound ship, but calls completion of first part of Israeli investigation 'an important step'

The United States on Monday described as "credible and impartial and transparent" an Israeli probe into a May 2010 raid on Gaza-bound aid ships that killed nine Turks.


In its report, Israel's six-member Turkel Commission concluded that both the raid and the blockade of the impoverished Palestinian territory complied with international law.


State Department spokesman Philip Crowley told reporters that UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon's panel remains the "primary forum for the international community to review the incident." But he called the completion of the first part of the Israeli probe "an important step," as it looked to the release of the second part over the next few months.


"We think that this is an independent report, credible and impartial and transparent investigation that has been undertaken by Israel," Crowley said.


"And it will contribute to the broader process that continues through the (UN) secretary-general," he added In its preliminary findings released the same day, a Turkish investigation said Israeli troops had used 'disproportionate' force in boarding the flotilla of ships to prevent them from reaching Israeli-blockaded Gaza.


The assault earned the Jewish state international censure, prompting Knesset members to appoint a commission headed by former Judge Jacob Turkel to examine both the military operation's legality and Israel's blockade.  



פרסום ראשון: 01.25.11, 07:42
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