
Fayyad. To unite factions?
Photo: Iam Rimawi

Hamas to exchange terror for unity?

Sources tell al-Hayat new plan for Palestinian unity government may end Hamas-Fatah rivalry

Palestinian sources told the London-based al-Hayat Thursday that a plan by Prime Minister Salam Fayyad to create a unity government with both rival Palestinian factions had already been approved by Fatah, and was currently awaiting the approval of Hamas.


According to the plan, both factions will keep their respective authorities in the West Bank and Gaza, including security forces.


The sources said that the status-quo kept by security forces was based on refraining from using terror as a means of achieving Palestinian aims, meaning Hamas must be committed to maintaining peace on the border between Gaza and Israel.


In addition, the Palestinian Authority's security forces will maintain their power. The plan also stipulates that a date for elections in the West Bank and Gaza will be set soon, the sources said.


The plan is currently being discussed in Gaza and Syria. Hamas's politburo chief in Damascus, Khaled Mashaal, has declared recently that "in the coming days new initiatives relating to the Palestinian issue are to be revealed."


Also, Facebook campaigns have been launched recently calling on leaders to end the rivalry between Hamas and Fatah.



פרסום ראשון: 02.24.11, 14:32
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